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Which are the best areas of the face for wrinkle treatment?

Bespoke Clinic

As they say, time catches up and as much as we want to age gently and gracefully, seeing those wrinkles increasing over time is hard to come to terms with. Fortunately, this is made easier with anti-wrinkle injections (Botox treatments)! In just a few days, you will be able to see a difference.

What is Botox?

Botox is a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum that causes botulism –a type of food poisoning. Small and diluted amounts are injected into very specific muscles. This temporarily prevents a muscle from moving or weakening; and is widely used to prevent signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.

Why is it done?

Clostridium botulinum blocks specific chemical signals from the nerves –mostly nerves that cause muscles to contract.

Areas of the face that respond best to Botox

1. Crow's Feet. These are fine, small lines that extend from your eyes' corners when you smile or laugh. Botox injections work remarkably well in reducing their appearance, giving you a younger look.

2. Forehead Frown Lines. These are often deep lines that appear between the eyebrows when you frown. These lines can make you look upset, angry, or tired. Botox injections help reduce the depth of these frown lines.

3. Forehead Wrinkles. Because forehead muscles are constantly used, they are among the first facial features to show signs of aging. They’re one of the most common parts for a Botox injection as they're difficult to conceal. Botox treatment for wrinkles on the forehead is simple and quick, requiring no anesthesia. The effect can last up to six months.

4. Corners of the Mouth & Marionette Lines. These extend from the corners of the mouth towards the jaw. For some people, these give them the appearance of a drooping mouth. Botox help fight these signs of aging.

5. Sagging Brows. If you want to veer away from the surgery route, but are looking for a brow lift, Botox will give you great results. Botox injections give you an instant brow lift by relaxing the muscles which pull your eyebrows down.

6. Smoker's Lines or Perioral Lines. You may not necessarily be a smoker to have smoker's lines on the face. These lines that appear when you purse your lips can be treated with a small amount of Botox.

7. Neck Bands. Known also as neck cords, they appear when the platysma muscles start to sag. A Botox injection relaxes these muscles and makes the neck cords less visible. When applied to the neck area, Botox also relaxes jawline muscles, giving you a neck lift. But, keep in mind that neck fat does not respond to Botox treatment.

What Else can Botox do for You?

  • Face-lift. Botox can provide temporary face-lift by lifting the tip of nose, shaping the jaw, and easing wrinkles around the eyes.

  • Manage Acne. Botox is able to combat production of oil in the face, thereby decreasing acne breakouts.

  • Soften the Jawline. Regular grinding of teeth can, over time, result to a wider jawline. Botox treatment can help soften the chin and jawline, and reduce wrinkles in the area.

Other Reasons for Using Botox

Although the most common use of Botox is to temporarily relax facial muscles that cause wrinkles, it’s also used to treat conditions that affect how your body functions. These include:

  • Chronic Migraine. If your migraines occur more than fifteen days a month, Botox helps reduce the frequency of these headaches.

  • Eye Twitching. Botox treatment can help relieve twitching of muscles around the eyes.

  • Hyperhidrosis. This is a condition of excessive sweating even when it's not hot or you're not exerting yourself. Botox helps reduce these excessive sweating of the armpit, the palms, or soles of the feet.

  • Muscle Contractures. Contracted muscles are among the symptoms of some neurological conditions (i.e. cerebral palsy) which cause the limbs to pull in towards your center. In some cases, Botox treatments help relax these muscles.

  • Bladder Dysfunction. Botox helps reduce urinary incontinence which is caused by an overactive bladder.

  • Lazy Eye. This is most commonly caused by an imbalance in the muscles responsible for positioning the eye. Botox treatment can help in correcting this.

Carefully select your clinician

Botox is usually regarded as a quick, effective way to achieve a youthful face that looks natural. However, it will do you more harm than good when getting Botox treatment from someone who's not trained or qualified to administer it. Book an appointment with us to assess if you’re a good candidate for Botox treatment.

What to Expect

Before Procedure

Many don't feel much discomfort during procedure, but you may want to have your skin numbed beforehand. Your doctor may use one of the various methods for numbing the area, such as topical anesthesia, ice anesthesia, and vibration anesthesia (which uses massage to reduce discomfort).

During Procedure

Procedures are typically done in a doctor's office/clinic. They use a thin needle to inject small amounts of botulinum toxin into your muscles or skin. The number of injections you need depends on various factors –including the extent of the condition in the area that’s being treated.

After Procedure

Don't massage or rub the area for 24 hours. This will help avoid the toxin from spreading into other areas. Right after procedure, you can return to your usual activities.

Botox typically takes effect 1- 3 days after the procedure. Depending on the condition being treated, the effect may last up to three months or more. To maintain the results, regular follow-up injections are needed.

Still have questions? Come and see us at Bespoke Clinic Penrith for a consultation - we won't pressure you to have anything done that you are uncomfortable with.

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